Sunday, 19 April 2020

Invaders are here!

Hi folks!

Today is the release of the third game of the "Arcade Game Pak#1: Space Invaders!

Yep, another arcade port for the OdySim and maybe for the Magnavox Odyssey (BTW. if anyone is interested to make any of my homebrew games or ports for the Magnavox Odyssey, i would be very honored and the only thing (well two) is that i only ask for a copy made of the game and that any credit(s)/copyright(s) will be preserved. I may not be rich but i don't much care about money so a copy is all i would ask in return. :)

As usual, here's some screenshots:

This is Space Invaders for the Cartridge #9 as it should be played with two players. One player is the "target" (spot) and places it on an alien and the other player (with the rifle) tries to shoot it. And if failed for (xx seconds) or was successful, the the "target" player moves to another alien of his choice.

Any alien shot on the first row (blue) is worth 5 points, on the second row (green): 10 points, on the third row (yellow): 15 points, on the forth row (orange): 20 points and on the fifth row (red) is worth 25 points. So after a time period of your choosing (1 to xx minutes), the shooter writes down his score and then both players switch turns. And once the time has ended for the next shooter, he then now compares his score to the previous shooter and the shooter with the best score wins.

Pretty simple huh ? And some of you have notice another picture in the manual ? Yup, as i was going to released this game, i thought another one which fits perfectly with Space Invaders and what is happening actually worldwide. As i'm no doctor or scientific, i fell hopeless in front of the pandemic so to get out some frustration and tension regarding the Covid-19 virus, i came up with this game called: Corona Invaders 2020.

And the game plays exactly like Space Invader but with the exception that there is no points to gain, only remember how many you shot in a time period and then it is the other player to try out.

I also did Space Invaders for playing with Cartridge #10 and you can play either 1 or 2 players. If you are playing alone, just position both paddles (spots) and then press reset on player two to activate the ball, after you try to shoot one of the alien like in this picture:

And during the game, you switch row, shoot, know the drill. Scoring is the same as for Space Invaders - Cartridge #9 and again, Corona Invaders 2020 is included in this version.

No points (but can if you want) but you have to be as much centered on a virus to eliminate it.

So there you have it folks, Invaders form space and inner-space. You can get Space Invaders for cartridge #09 HERE and Space Invaders for Cartridge #10 HERE. Have fun to destroy those pesky invaders! ;)

--- Sly (Virus! Take that! BOOOM||) DC ---

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