Hi again folks!
Even if i've dissapeared for almost 4 months, i still worked on my OdySim project on some rainy days during summer. I have made a special project for the Magnvox Odyssey which should be revealed very soon so stay "tuned" on that. ;)
During the past 4 months, i have received ManCaveArcade's Hunting Adventure" and "Zombie Outbreak" plus the box for "Space War" (from Mikebloke). Amazing quality!! So be sure i will make reviews in the following days to come.
Also, i have received from Vibrant Media Labs their "OdysseyNow Game Pack #2" which i will also make a review after both games from MCA. I still haven't ordered OdysseyNow Game Pack #3 as there is one original new game (Et Tu, Brute) which looks like a type of Parker Brothers "Clue's" but at the age of Julius Cesar. The other games are: Haunting of '72, a redone version of Haunting House and Interplanetary Voyage which is a re-edition (exact copy) with all the accessories and game cart #12.
This is why i hesitate to buy the Game Pack #3 has Haunting of '72 is a redone version of today (instead of the 70's) and when you have an Odyssey, you already have the original game (Haunted House). And if you already have an original Interplanetary Voyage, then you get a copy. At least you can preserve the original game when playing the new copy.
Mikebloke has made available/released Ben Spenger's Odyssey Multicart and also released a new homebrew called "Puck-Man" for the 40th anniversary of Pac-Man (man....Pac-Man is now 40, geeez it makes me fell so old!). Reviews of those as well will be done very soon.
And finally, i have wrote to the Museo Informatica Icatec, the museum which has the Videojuel lended by Ricardo, if they can took some pictures of the game console and especially the overlays. They did replied back the next day saying that they will take pictures but until the pandemic is over as the museum is closed during this period. Well a week after, i have found pictures of the Videojuel overlays but Ricardo is missing the overlay for "Persecucioniel Gato y el Raton" (Cat & Mouse in English).
Here's the list of all the Videojuel games with overlay and game cartridge:
01- Tenis de Mesa (Ping-Pong) - cart #1 - no overlay
02- Esqui (Ski) - cart #2 - has overlay
03- "Mama Dice" (Simon Says) - cart #2 - has overlay
04- Futbol (Soccer) - Cart #3 - has overlay
05- Tenis (add an "N") - cart #3 - has overlay
06- Carrera Espicial (Analogic) - cart #3 - has overlay
07- Hockey (humm....) - cart #3 - has overlay
08- Persecucioniel Gato y el Raton" (Cat & Mouse) - cart #4 - has overlay
09- Ataque Submarino (Submarine) - cart #5 - has overlay
10- Para la Paleta a Peleta (handball) - cart #6 - no overlay
11- Voley (Volleyball) - cart #7 - no overlay
12- Tiro al Blanco (Target Shoot) - cart #8 - no overlay
13- Tiro al Blanco en Movimiento (Targer Shoot in Motion) - cart #9 - no overlay
And Stuart has sent me a new video he made during summer which i will link on the blog very soon. Plus JDGP030302 sent me a ton of suggestions and bugs for the OdySim, so many i think i'll take again a few months off....LOL!!! NAH!! Already had a long vacation but he really did sent so many suggestions and bugs that it will take some time to go thru all.
So thought that summer had nothing new for the OdySim and the Magnavox Odyssey ? HA!
-- Sly (summer is over) DC ---