Saturday, 15 June 2019

I...robot ??

Hi Folks,

After a month i have posted this reply on AtariAge forum, i was expecting someone to
reply back on this specific line: "After that, connected player 1 the same way for
player 2 (robot) and seeing the Odyssey play versus itself was pretty cool!"

I have written that intentionally to see if someone would see the problem, and alas,
no one did within the past month. The problem is if you add a robot circuit to either
player 1 or 2, the robot will follow the ball when the player moves the "english" knob
like is this example:

BUT if you add a robot circuit for both players, how can both follow the ball if either
robots hasn't control of the "english"?? See the logic ? Well simply put that adding both
players with robot circuit is the same as putting both players returning the ball without
touching the "english".

There's NO angles in the Magnavox Odyssey console as each players can control their own
"english" since there is no wall so that the ball can rebound itself.

Oh damn...forgot to mention by adding a Robot circuit, the AI follows the vertical flight
of the ball, same thing i've implanted in the OdySim for certain games so if a player moves
it's "english", the robot follows...simple as that!

I will tell and show how to add the robot circuit in a real Odyssey console AFTER i have
finished the OdySim and i intend firmly to release the missing "official" games on the
OdySim this year (2019), surely this summer as i will have some spare time, ;)

Until next post, take care Folks! =)

--- Sly DC ---

1 comment:

John Warner said...
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