Monday, 8 April 2019

OdySim Tennis new version coming soon...

Hi folks!

As i was going to do the last 6 remaining official release games, i wanted to update the OdySim to the latest version of LÖVE which is now at version 11.2 and for now, the Tennis game is the only one which works with the latest version and will be available soon once finished.

All the games with version 10-1 does work with LÖVE 11.2 but the OSD is kinda screwed-looking so to change all the games to version 11.2, i only have to change 2-3 codes and those will also be available soon.

In the new version of Tennis, i've added four new overlays:

The Marx T.V. Tennis overlay

The Tomy Tennis electronic game overlay

The Atari Pong arcade overlay

The GI AY-3-8500-1 Tennis overlay

And remember these are just for fun as they are not official released overlays. Te arcade Pong was meant as a joke (see a previous post) but finally decided to add it and if you check the AY-3-8500-1 Tennis overlay, the score is permanently displaying "7-2" which is for the released year of the Magnavox Odyssey (1972) (and also Atari Pong arcade).

And lastly, "El Principe.jdqP.020303" commented that he saw that the ball rebounds on the very edge of any spots and on a real Magnavox Odyssey console, the ball rebounds a bit inside a spot.

Check this video by Dave Sweet:

If you can check it frame by frame (since the ball is going too fast), you can see that the ball does rebound inside any of the two spots, so "El Principe.jdqP.020303" was right and i didn't notice that before so now starting at version 11.2, both spots (and the wall depending on the game) will have this new collision scheme:

And be assured that the ball and the spots will be white as! I just colorized the spots and ball to show how the new collision will work. So a big "Thank You" to "El Principe.jdqP.020303" to point this out so that the OdySim is getting better simulated.

Until next folks, take care and keep in touch! :)

--- Sly (half-century) DC ---


CN10 said...

Thanks for the attention to detail you guys. The mindbender question of the day is: What if people started using 3 D printers to make electromechanical homebrews for Marx TV tennis. What would Yars Revenge look like!?

Sly DC said...

Hi Brian!

LOL!! I didn't asked that question myself as the new added overlays are added just for fun, like a "what if it would have looked like" kinda joke as Tennis is the most played game on the Magnavox Odyssey.

The "Yar's Revenge" overlay was supposed to be a homebrew done by Chris Read so since he never released it, i was just wondering what it would looked like, i was just being curious. :)