Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Happy "Videojuel"...err New Year everyone! (and a late Merry Xmas)

Hi folks!

First thing: I wish everyone of you a happy New Year 2019 and health all year long! Oh and also a late Merry Xmas too! (oups!) ;)

Since the Halloween game (Jack-O-Lantern Odyssey), i haven't time to code anything because of the Xmas season rush but now, this period is ending today (joy!). Does anyone of you remember what i wrote back on June 13, 2016, especially this paragraph ?

"Oh and i will also talk about an unknown "clone" that almost nobody knows about it. Even M.Baer didn't know about that specific clone. But that will be another story for another time. ;)"

Well today is THE day that i will talk about this unknown clone!

The name of this clone is the "Videojuel" which was released in Argentina (year still unknown) and was made by the company "Laboratorio Electronico Hiroshima" in the town of "La Plata" and even today, the company (or store) still exists ? Yes it's true, still does exists after all these year. They are on Facebook if you don't believe me!

Here's a picture of the company/store taken from Map Google:

Now for some pictures:

The only known owner of this beautiful clone is "Ricardo Saucedo" which he lent to the "Museo de Informatica" ( http://museodeinformatica.org.ar/ ) and i think it's still there. So again, here's some pictures from a video:

and here's the link to the video on Youtube:

Check the video starting at: 01:29 ... Heh!

I have written to Ricardo 2-3 times (between November 28 to December 03, 2013) and the last time, he never answered back.  I would have love to see the overlays as some has different colors or even maybe some different designs, and also the interior of this beast!

He also uploaded a scan of the Videojuel manual for a certain time and now the link has gone to oblivion...but fear not folks as i have a copy in PDF in my database. I will upload it very soon on Archive.org

And before the final words for today, they were an article in the "Replay Number 13" (October 2018 - Special 2nd Anniversary edition) which is published in Argentina:

And Here is the article in question on page 42 & 43:

But the scan is not in the best quality when zoomed, so here's the part of the article zoomed:

So here's all the information concerning this unique and beautiful Argentinian Odyssey clone i have accumulated since 2013. I think Wikipedia and everything else needs an update...LOL!!

So happy New Year folks and the Videojuel manual scan will be available soon! =)


CN10 said...

Thanks for the post. What's the dial on the butt of the rifle for?

Eli Springer said...

Hi, Sly DC!

First of all, I would like to thank you for the very hard work on creating a truly outstanding OdySim emulator! He is really good!

In one of the last posts you wrote that you plan to finish the remaining 6 missing games (Baseball, Brain Wave, Interplanetary Voyage, Invasion, WIN and Wipeout). Will we be able to see them in the near future? Thank!

Sly DC said...

Hi Brian (CN10)!

The dial on the gun is for the Light sensor BIAS calibration as there is a potentiometer inside the Odyssey rifle (1Meg value - R11 on the 1TL950 schematic) to adjust it but on the rifle of the Videojuel, it's that dial in question. :)

Sly DC said...

WOW!! Now i can finally reply! =)

Hi Unknow (or Илья ПружинЁр)!

Many thanks for the compliment but i have to tell you that it is not an emulator but rather a simulator. About the remaining 6 games, but sure that i will do them this year (2019), just need some spare time to do them. I'll try do do them before summer (if possible) so check from time to time and thanks again! :)

CN10 said...

Thanks, I thought that button was for launching grenades (ha ha)

John Warner said...

I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well. Thanks... use this free Roblox Gift Card