Sunday, 27 September 2015

OdySim on a 48-inch TV

After checking out for the Epoch Electrotennis simulator, i tested out the OdySim on the 48-inch TV and...damn! It was even better than i expected! I thought that maybe the "spots" (the white squares "paddles" for each players) would be looking more like a long rectangle but given that the OdySim (and as a real Odyssey game system) are displaying at a 4:3 ratio than a 16:9 ratio, i was wondering what that would be like....and now i know. My TV displays at 1920x1080 and the OdySim displays at 800x600, sorry to say that it looks small but a picture is worth a thousand words, so here's a few "thousand" words (lol) :

As you can see, the OdySim at full screen (800x600 on a 1920x1080) is pretty OK and the last two pictures, you see how a 800x600 windowed looks like on a 1920x1080. I will put a selectable 4:3 or 16:9 ratio in the second version of OdySim, meaning that anyone will able to choose between a 4:3 (1440x1080) normal display or a 16:9 (1920x1080) widescreen display.

Also, notice how the "drawn" overlays looks when it is in full screen mode ? And if you really want try out a real overlay on a big widescreen TV, well this is what it looks like:

BTW, this is not me who took this picture (thank you mystery person!) but you can see that it looks quite foolish trying to use real overlays on a widescreen TV...LOL!!

--- Sly DC ---

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