Sunday, 13 October 2019

Coming back from the dead (just in time for Halloween)

Hi Folks!

Sorry for this super late posting...i know, it's been four months now since my last post.
So i had a great summer with my kids and now as school has started (a month and a half ago),
the usual is back to normal (sort of...LOL!!).

But, today i won't post empty-handed as i have a new game for you all and i'll give you hints
trying to find out. First, it's a game which was released the same year as the Odyssey.

Answer: 1972

Second hint: It is an arcade game, uses a rifle gun and since we are close to Halloween, this
game was a good choice to make a port for the OdySim....still haven't find it ?

Final hint: It's a game by Midway...HA! some of you guess it right, it's: Midway's Haunted House!

Here's the picture of the overlay:

Click HERE to download the game.

So hope you'll like this conversion as i've started to make this one 3 weeks ago in my
(so little) spare times. And don't worry folks, i'm still gonna finished the six official released
that's still missing: Baseball, Invasion, Brainwave, W.I.N., Wipeout and Interplanetary Voyage.

Oh and also some homebrews along the way and once the six official released game (that's still missing) will be finally done, i'll make the next Odyssey project: the Super OdySim! To any of you
who doesn't know this, Magnavox wanted to released the next version of the Odyssey called:
"Super Odyssey", which was basically a 4-players Odyssey.

I did code this version way back for the Love 0.8.0. in .....2012!! Yep, 7 years ago. Here's some
screenshots of the old version:

The last screenshot is with a green background and a dotted net and each player has it's own
color (Red = Player 1, Cyan = Player 2, Yellow = Player 3 and Magenta = Player 4).

So this project (Super OdySim) won't see any release for the time being and this is only a glimpse!
In the meantime, enjoy Midway's Haunted House (with original background music of the game).

If i don't post before October 31, then i wish you all a ghoulish Halloween! =)

--- Sly DC(eased) ---